Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Mind control and racism

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Someone suggest to me that the Ruling elite had plans to wipe out Black race, but the someone is Black. They say Black people mind controlled to be, victims.

I pointed out that if the ruling elite wanted to wipe out ;since the beginning of time , why have they failed. They more likely want to cull Black people and control them. Utilize for their gain.

But lets expand the thought . They oppress Black people . Why? they cull Black people ,Why? 
Could it be because they are threatened by Black people.
I know we are taught we all come from Africa originally, but lets say that's wrong. and in truth I don't know where , whom that theory come from and really probably is just that, a theory!

So lets suggest another theory, although I know little on origin of race. Lets suggest there are a few races on this planet and that they are different ,I don't know how  , I don't know why . Just know they are different for some reason. Not just Black and White, but look at Chinese ; they have 'yellow' skin and slant eyes. So they are different races , with different characteristics , like breeds of dog . I don't really know , not my area of study. But lets say different and accept it.

Yes then what i say here gets into big political arenas and causes arguments, because some will say that sort of talk can cause racism; believing we different and yet we are all one. But yes we are all one Human race.

So back to the question, why do the ruling elite want to wipe out Black people?

Well firstly the whole system is based on divide and rule . So that is the first and utmost reason for oppression of Black people.

But they create ingrained prejudice in society that Black people are inferior , White superior. Consequently White people raised with subliminal and sometimes blatant message that they are superior.and Black people inferior.
It is a concept created , manipulated and integrated and disseminated throughout the world,with the capitalist structure belief system.

The black people in truth are raised within this system, structure struggling to counter act these false beliefs , and raise awareness to Black people and the rest of the world that they are not inferior. therefore always in a position of defence.

But let look again, lets accept there are different races and there are genetic differences for some reason. That does not mean superior or inferior exists, When seeing races as a whole.

A rockwhiler will protect you better than any Yorkshire terrier , if your up against a large enemy. But if you enemy is the size of a rat, then the little Yorkshire terrier is breed genetically for that. Neither dog is superior; they are different.

Now why does the ruling elite use oppressive divisive thoughts, and rules in place regarding racism. we are not able to discuss freely the topic , like I am trying to do here.

I am not trying to show one superior race, just different. Bringing different things to the plate.  Like men and women are different, but with abilities they are on continuum's , and maybe that is how we should view race, different but on continuum's.

Blue eyes are inferior for perception. for the light get through iris and visual illusion are more likely , research shows. White peoples hair on the whole is weaker, thinner , but we don't have a belief system that judges on such things. For it doesn't serve the ruling elite agenda.

white people can't survive in the sun as well as black people. Again this is on a continuum .and relates to skin tone for black people and white. Melanin pigmentation is an aspect of Blackness , White people have freckle's. We don't judge freckle in society; unless they on the face , then in fashion they must be hidden. The melanin must be removed from view.

I have seen writings on other qualities of melanin by Black  researchers and writers. In fact when you look at these sorts of differences White people do not come out looking superior. But I am sure there are aspects of White people that aid their existence. I don't know of research , but I know Black people often express they feel cold more.

I am not trying to say which qualities are the best , I am trying to say different races do have differences but we are all HUMAN .

With regards to mind control the ruling elite divides and rules; creating prejudices where they want them, to manipulate all of us, to think like they want us to, for their own ends.

This process is seen also in the way they hide truths of history from us, like the Olmec in Mexico . How come they were there? and ruled there? the ruling elite let us learn history of Aztec's but not Olmec.

They teach us how Christopher Columbus discovered the world, but many traveled the seas before him.
Africans trading in Atlantic ocean with West coast Irish people , but they hide these truths.another sub-race group Irish oppressed, see how it works.

They make history look like white man , first built boat, but Noah built Ark , I don't know his race!

See they have bamboozled us all, what ever race they teach us half truths. Yes Columbus sailed but what about the others, no they make him the star.

Another distortion on history is regarding slavery , we are only told about Black slaves and indented slaves. No one speaks about the white slave. But many Irish , British were taken as slaves to America and the Caribbean. This history again is hidden. Like the Story of Oliver Twist , its twisted perception going on. We shown Oliver a poor orphan, but truth is he was a child slave. But ruling elite steer our perception away from seeing White people ever as slaves; and help create illusions of superiority, 'Braitains never never never shall be slaves' goes our British national anthem. Whilst Black people continue to be portrayed as victims, left thinking, 'Oh why us, why were we the slaves? ' one being shown the game going on to create these constructs for divide and rule.

Meanwhile we put against each other. struggling with racism, superior /inferior conflicts and belief systems, instead of coming together and uniting as one people , one race ; the HUMAN RACE. What ever colour eyes , hair or skin we done with race being divided by one master.

Together we can smash this crippling, unproductive in-human belief system down, and re-build a fair equal world together; as one.

Enslavement of all races
Slavery is refereed to as though it was a thing of the past, but it never really went away. Yes black people were emancipated from being owned as slaves, in the triangle trading sense , but it didn't end though,in the world at all.

We got slavery all over but it's being hidden from our consciousness. There are children working as slaves in Cocoa plantations, and the half truth acknowledged , can be seen in the existence of the 'faiir trade ' label.  But if someone doesn't know what the fair trade label means, then they can stay unconscious to the fact that all other chocolate they eat with out the fair trade label is a product of slavery.

Same with cloths, child slaves in that industry too. Elsewhere children are sold as sex slaves. This also is the case for adults, but I speak of the children in hope that I touch some part of you , the reader to feel the disgust with how well we are programmed , world wide to just accept slavery going on ,elsewhere.

Where is the uprising against such in humanity. Regardless of race , all races of children and adults are enslaved within our world ;and they are in need of a voice. Silenced are they , unheard , rarely shown on our TV, in our magazines or on our radio.

But we are being sheltered from this ugly truth. Steered away from focusing on it.

But meanwhile there is even more;nastier , most appalling forms of slavery going on and has been for centuries; Trauma based mind controlled slavery' where the slave has no awareness of this being so , unless they sell out to be a house slave, and then they are given some awareness and led to believe it's there only choice.  For they are shown what aspects are involved , how 'powerless' they are as an individual and experience of life has been one of feeling powerlessness ;in hidden alters within themselves. With no hope of overcoming their oppression. They sell their souls, due to lack of hope in the human race uprising.

All races are involved in it. And it has gone on from the beginning of time. How are we to bring this to awareness , when slavery that is not removed our collective consciousness is so uncomfortable for people to view.

If we as people of the world join together with our eyes open we can overcome the oppressor , slave master.

Let's all do our best to bring this awareness into global consciousness, support each other in the struggle to make this happen by facing the horrid truth.

I believe by bringing the issue to consciousness we will overthrow the ruling elite.  It is only through their manipulation of our innate defence mechanisms of denial are they able to keep us ALL enslaved.

The whole slavery system is reliant on denial, from the bar of chocolate you eat, to the enslavement of the whole family blood line of all races around the globe. Without their consent or awareness. All whether mind controlled slaves ,slave masters or some exempt from family generational blood lines. All are enslaved. This is because of the defence mechanism denial. In a therapeutic sense a patient in denial needs to talk about issues denying to emancipate themselves from the psychological bondage denial creates.

Through talking about issues the patient comes to terms with what is really the matter at hand and once out of denial they can move into acceptance; and release their pain. The emotions they are running from and find new ways to live life with their new awareness of the issues. Healing their pain and adapting and creating a new way forward.

Let us face our feelings and thoughts regarding  the disgusting ,in human ways we allow others to treat babies and adults, fellow humans. Lets give them a voice and an arena to be heard , seen and healed. Lets heal together our collective mind and bring to consciousness what we don't want to face, our dark dirty hidden truths. Instead of pushing to back of our minds , lets raise our conscious awareness and become proud of our race , the HUMAN RACE.

One love

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  3. Slavery wasn't an invention of the 'Whiteman' he copied if from the Africans and Egyptians, he see how they built the cradle of civilisation through such as thing, so thought, "I'll have some of that', and started to trade with these people, and that's where the Whiteman first discovered it. Though there is a lot of truth in your post, there are also many misconceptions. Though I will permit them as it is only a "theory" you pose, though the following is fact; By Obama being the first ‘Black President’, he has in a sense endorsed the ‘Black Nation’ who perhaps may at last be given the respect they deserve in a worldwide capacity, [though only ‘the people’ will be able to make that really happen, and it’s very likely we’ll soon see the same kind of middle-eastern protests spreading further down south and across the African continent as a whole], and it’s even feasible that we could see certain parts of Africa explode as a merging world economy, - though saying that, due to China’s rise in power and their interest in Africa’s resources, it looks like a lot of unrest and micro wars will be breaking out all over the place and in the coming months and years ahead which will be endorsed, encouraged and even indirectly funded by envious regimes in the West, who will no doubt be sending convert forces out there to unsettle the regions and stir up as much trouble as possible.
    To ensure the complete domination on whatever country, region or area you may have perhaps invaded, or already control, the Illuminati cabals, in unison with the Church and particularly with and alongside the British, Dutch or French imperial strategists, they sought out undercurrents within the Muslim or African world that would cohere with its own interests in preventing progress within the country, region or area. Rather than deal with well established royal monarch families or tribes who already ruled over vast areas or countries, they preferred to adopted a technique that was to encourage and empower hundreds of individual tribal and ethnic groups, that allowed each to rule over their own small mini-states, villages and towns etc., - and this is the way they still do it today all over Africa, and the Middle East in general, and in fact many other places around the world and the reason as to why there’s the existence of so many so called ‘warlords’, whom are in a sense ‘gang leaders’ of the Illuminati.

  4. By developing this kind of strategy, it thus allows the Illuminati cabals to easily prevent the emergence of a single political or religious opposition to their present status and rule, - and perhaps this kind of practice has proved so well throughout the world, i.e. the reason why certain countries have remained undeveloped in comparison to the Western world, and as to why they’re know encouraging the devolution of regions throughout the UK and other countries, thus ensuring the increase of ‘coalition like governments’ and decreasing the chances of an overall majority of any party every resuming full control, other than their own NWO.

    But, and it’s a big one, Obama is at least a 32nd or 33rd degree honorary Freemason, [as are the likes of Clinton, Bush, Blair, Brown and now Cameron, and perhaps even that turncoat Clegg, - if they’re not any of these actual degrees, then they’re somewhere near them, - though the real main thing is they’re ‘all’ still Freemasons.], and therefore will have to go with the flow of the NWO-Masonic/illuminati plan and agenda whether he likes to or not, as will all the following Presidents and Prime Ministers still to come, as did all those already gone, - and those who didn’t go with this flow, - well just look what happened to the likes of JFK, Martin Luther-King and Mahatma Gandi.
    You have to understand the mind of these kind colonial land grabbers, as were talking pre-invention of the aeroplane, days when many were saying; “...If man were meant to fly, god would have given him wings”. It wasn’t until 1903 the first true flight was recorded by the Wright Brothers. The only adequate way of travelling vast distances i.e. England to South Africa, would take weeks and cost a small fortune even if you travelled 3rd class.

    The possibility for your average working class worker from the UK ever being able to independently afford to travel to such exotic places were truly beyond their reach, - so can you now imagine the odds of a tribesman living in remote villages throughout the plains of Africa ever being able to afford to buy a cruise liner ticket to go and visit far off places such as England. There was virtually no chance whatsoever for any average person in them days to be able to afford to travel these kinds of distances, no matter where they came from in the world. And it was with this knowing and understanding of how things were, why many colonialists used the opportunity of ‘duel-nationality’ as an enticing bargaining chip as part of their entire package as to convincing the chiefs and leaders of whatever country they were wanting to get their hands on, - that they were both on an equal level playing field, and must of sold the idea of being able to visit, or settle in the UK, similar to that as today’s ‘timeshare’ companies do with all the trimmings and ribbons thrown in.

  5. They’d say something along the lines of; “If you give us the rights to buy, lease or rent etc., certain areas and land in your country, then in return, we’ll give the same opportunity to you, and your people to come to our country and do the same there if and when you so wish, - plus we’ll give you and your people the protection of our sovereign state with a ‘Royal Charter’, and the full backing from our army, whom too will technically be yours”. The colonialist knew that even if the odd African was to take up such an offer, it would be the rich and elite ones, who would have already been introduced to the world of Freemasonry, so would have been indirectly a ‘brother’ and who would have been made more than welcome if they ever wanted to emigrate or visit England.
    And in them days these colonialist, looked upon it as if they wasn’t really giving anything away, knowing full well the masses would never be able to accumulate such wealth and take the offer up. So it was with this safe assumption and premise, plus not being able to see too far into the distant future, i.e. the invention of the airplane and the industrial revolution in general, as to the reason why many people like Rhodes and with the full backing of the British Empire, were able to offer British nationality ‘ID Cards’, which years later qualified as passports, thus the right to come and live in the UK if and when they possibly could.
    You have to understand the mind of these kind colonial land grabbers, as were talking pre-invention of the aeroplane, days when many were saying; “...If man were meant to fly, god would have given him wings”. It wasn’t until 1903 the first true flight was recorded by the Wright Brothers. The only adequate way of travelling vast distances i.e. England to South Africa, would take weeks and cost a small fortune even if you travelled 3rd class.
    The possibility for your average working class worker from the UK ever being able to independently afford to travel to such exotic places were truly beyond their reach, - so can you now imagine the odds of a tribesman living in remote villages throughout the plains of Africa ever being able to afford to buy a cruise liner ticket to go and visit far off places such as England. There was virtually no chance whatsoever for any average person in them days to be able to afford to travel these kinds of distances, no matter where they came from in the world. And it was with this knowing and understanding of how things were, why many colonialists used the opportunity of ‘duel-nationality’ as an enticing bargaining chip as part of their entire package as to convincing the chiefs and leaders of whatever country they were wanting to get their hands on, - that they were both on an equal level playing field, and must of sold the idea of being able to visit, or settle in the UK, similar to that as today’s ‘timeshare’ companies do with all the trimmings and ribbons thrown in.
    They’d say something along the lines of; “If you give us the rights to buy, lease or rent etc., certain areas and land in your country, then in return, we’ll give the same opportunity to you, and your people to come to our country and do the same there if and when you so wish, - plus we’ll give you and your people the protection of our sovereign state with a ‘Royal Charter’, and the full backing from our army, whom too will technically be yours”. The colonialist knew that even if the odd African was to take up such an offer, it would be the rich and elite ones, who would have already been introduced to the world of Freemasonry, so would have been indirectly a ‘brother’ and who would have been made more than welcome if they ever wanted to emigrate or visit England.

  6. And in them days these colonialist, looked upon it as if they wasn’t really giving anything away, knowing full well the masses would never be able to accumulate such wealth and take the offer up. So it was with this safe assumption and premise, plus not being able to see too far into the distant future, i.e. the invention of the airplane and the industrial revolution in general, as to the reason why many people like Rhodes and with the full backing of the British Empire, were able to offer British nationality ‘ID Cards’, which years later qualified as passports, thus the right to come and live in the UK if and when they possibly could.
    Many American’s from all creeds and races are beginning to see the “Obama Deception” for what it really is, as it seems that by the illuminati giving the “Blackman” the reins of power he’s so long desired to hold, - though deservedly so, as it could be argued even ‘returned’ to them once again, which is probably nearer the truth, - just take a look at ancient Africa/Ethiopia and Egypt for starters, where we can clearly see they once had an incredibly advanced and civilised culture and society, - often referred to as the bedrock and cradle of all civilisation.

    There are various claims and accounts as to what is what in history and all things biblical, - and there are many members of the black community who remind us that we can’t forget those black Jews of Ethiopia, formerly known as Falashas, [aka the forgotten Jews] [1] whom tradition has it, that after the Exodus from Egypt they broke off and made their way down the coast of Africa to Ethiopia, or they emigrated from Israel after the time of the destruction of First and Second Temples. Falasha [Ethiopic for “stranger”] is the term by which the Jews of Ethiopia are commonly known as, however they refer to themselves as Beta Isra’el “House of Israel”, and not ‘aihud’ which means Jews. The entire community was airlifted out of Africa to Israel in the early 1990’s [1a]. Some rabbinical authorities have considered them to be remnants of the Tribe of Dan. Falasha synagogues are known as a masjid, which means ‘mosque’.

  7. In ancient Egypt, examples of Egyptians with [dread]-lock hairstyles and wigs have appeared on bas-reliefs, statuary and other artefacts.[1b] Mummified remains of ancient Egyptians with [dread]-locks, as well as [dread]-locked wigs, have also been recovered from archaeological sites [1c] [1d]. The Rastafari movement or Rasta is a new religious movement that arose in a Christian culture in Jamaica in the 1930s. Its followers worship Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, former Emperor of Ethiopia [1930–1936 and 1941–1974], aka - Jah = God incarnate, the Second Advent. For Rastafarians, Zion is to be found in Africa, and more specifically in Ethiopia [2]. Some Rastas believe themselves to represent the real ‘Children of Israel’ - in modern times, - and their goal is to repatriate to Africa, or to Zion [2a].
    Many reggae songs include references to Zion; among the best-known examples are Bob Marley’s, as in Zion Train, Iron Lion Zion: “ lion in Zion”. ‘Locks’ are also known as African locks, and a Rasta friend or mine told me the term ‘dreadlocks, is in reference to them being; ‘God fearing people’ that lived in “dread” - fear of the Lord. He also had them cut off as a mark of respect when his grandmother died.
    The Himba people in the southeast of Congo-Kinshasa also dye their ‘dread’-locks red, but their style is thicker than that of the Maasai. Other groups include the Fang people of Gabon, the Mende of Sierra Leone, and the Turkana Nilotic people of Kenya, where historians believe that the Luo and other Kenyan Nilotic tribes originally came from the Nile regions of Sudan, entering Kenya through Northern Uganda, and where the late father of Barack Obama, also named Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was from the Luo tribe [2b].
    Tradition states the Falashas origins are from that of the Queen of Sheba [named Makeda in Ethiopian], whom upon meeting King Solomon, converted to Judaism and bore him a son, Menelik I [“Son of the Wise”], the ‘first’ Jewish Emperor of Ethiopia, who ruled around 950 BC [1e]. Tradition credits him with bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia [1f], following a visit to Jerusalem to meet his father upon reaching adulthood. Sheba [Saba,Sh'va] was a kingdom mentioned in the Jewish scriptures [Old Testament] and the Qur’an [1g]. Its location and with modern evidence points toward Yemen in southern Arabia, though other scholars argue for a location in either present-day Eritrea or Ethiopia. Since the two territories are separated by a narrow channel it is possible that at various times the kingdom included territory in both Yemen and Ethiopia, and may be equated with the Sabean kingdom.

  8. As just mentioned, and I say elsewhere of the other reason why Obama was manoeuvred into office, - such as the Black population was ready to torch the US following the Bush administration. They had to do this handing over of authority to Nelson Mandela in South Africa following the end apartheid, and who was then put into power, - though not before dismantling their Nuclear Arms program and other vital infrastructures first.
    And look at the great job the despot of a Freemason, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is doing in ruining his own country, whilst wreaking havoc on most people’s lives living there, and lining the pockets of his own family and Illuminati friends. – Zimbabwe once known as Zimbia, when in the 1880s, the British arrived with Cecil Rhodes’s British South Africa Company [BSAC], who quite liked the idea of calling a country after him-self so much, he did, and that’s how Rhodesian first came about, when until 1980 it was reverted back to Zimbabwe [2d].
    The problem for the majority of black [and Asian] people in general, is that they too have no idea that almost all of their black leaders are Freemasons and whose descendants were all made Freemasons as far back as the 1800’s. How this first came about was when colonialists such as Cecil Rhodes needed to obtain certain concessions for mining rights from black leaders like King Lobengula of the Ndebele peoples, they set their own network of Masonic lodges. And when Rhodes obtained various concessions, he presented them to persuade the government of the United Kingdom to grant a Royal charter to his BSAC over Matabeleland, and its subject states such as Mashonaland.
    Royal charters [2e] were used to create cities, [i.e., localities with recognised legal rights and privileges], and all throughout the colonies, where Masonic lodges were also formed at the same time, and when many black leaders were invited to become Freemasons, and for a privileged few they did. And in doing so, they too adopted all things British, as they would dress in full western style clothing, live in stylised houses, drive the latest cars, and where as far away from the remaining black population, as were their white counterparts. The date that such a Royal charter was granted, is considered to be when a city was founded, regardless of when the locality originally began to be settled, and it would have been very unlikely a Royal charter would have been granted before all the preliminaries, such as the establishment of a Grand Lodge, and that certain business deals, contracts and concessions had been guaranteed to come to fruition, once the charter had been granted.

  9. [2d]

  10. [1] Shas to help speed up Ethiopian Jewry immigration to Israel Israel Insider
    [1b] Online Etymology Dictionary, article "Dread".
    [1c] Image of Egyptian with locks.
    [1d] Egyptian Museum -"Return of the Mummy. Toronto Life - 2002
    [1e] "Menelik I (Ibn El-Hakim) (deceased)". Retrieved 2010-05-19.
    [1f] "The Ark of the Covenant: The Ethiopian Tradition". Retrieved 2010-05-19.
    [1g] Comay, Joan; Ronald Brownrigg (1993) (in English). Who's Who in the Bible:The Old Testament and the Apocrypha, The New Testament. New York: Wing Books. pp. Old Testament, 351. ISBN 0-517-32170-X.
    [2] Jah the Rasta name for God incarnate, from a shortened form of Jehovah found in Psalms 68:4 in the King James Version of the Bible
