Ephesians 5:11
My Dad would say he knew every trick in the book........he may or may not have, but for sure he didnt miss one,,,and well he taught me well,,,,,here he is performing his trick 'to show the hand is quicker than the eye..'...
So when I get played I ain't no dibby to #TheGame,,,,and like with any magic trick it's all about illusion, and well once the illusion has be shown for what it is,,,,it not longer has any effect,,,
When it came to the controling of him, by the folk in high places,,,,they operated him in pretty much the same way that they do me,,,they made his weakness Anger,,,and so could take him out by triggering it...with me,,,,I therefore learnt fast how this was his weakness and so learnt to suppress it,,,and wait my time.....He would say he was the best greyhound trainer in the world,,,and i believe he was,,,,,,but it was always like noone gave him the credit he deserved,,,,but instead,,,treat him less,,,but meanwhile kiss his butt ,,,,,cos well they wanted to be in the know.....he was also very good at discerment,,,who was going to win,,,,,they wanted his tips....i used to come with him to the races,,,,as a child,,,and would ask with excitement which dog he was going to back...he would say,,oh but if i tell you ,then you will tell everyone,,,,,so I would promise not to,,,,his friends would be so nice to me,,,and try to charm out of me his pick,,,,,but I wouldn't share..so learnt instead #TheGame ,
The games are universal, so can be applied to any setting,,,He knew image was everything,,,so he dressed imaculate,,,,and modeled himself on the gangsters in the movies,,like James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart, even had a mirror with him on,,,to get angle right for his trilby,. And usually had young guys around him, learning from him,,,couldn't bear to be alone,,,,this guy with him isnt a gambler,,,but was a neighbour,,but he never kept friends long cos he was too rude, saying what he liked,,,cos he could,,,,well tillthey said bye,,,but still many returned cos he knew what would win,,
because he was so good at training,,,he had mastery over any race he was in...he could choose when to allow his dog to win.......he would slow them down for trials, to get them into low graded races,,,with slower dogs,,,people accused him of druging his dogs but he didn't...he slowede them down, held them back,,,,and worked behind the scene on pecking the ability, and gave them sausage meal,,,,which when mixed with water makes the dog feel full and heavy,,,,so run slower,,,when they were ready,,,,,and he had got the odds to his liking he would let the dog GO!
no food , raw energy,,,,and always win.....so he had full control of the board.....and so people had to groval to be in the know,,,,and because he didnt get the credit due ,,,,,he was right in some sense,,,,Wealthy folks wanted in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so would put up the money for him to buy any dogs he wished and build the best kennels in their grounds. But they were always greedy,,,,wanted him to train for them,,,but always watched him , to learn how and what,,,,with intent to at some point , when they had learnt it all,,,,get ride of him and be left with the best greyhounds and kennels and knowledge,,,,,,always same set up...so he learnt fast not to teach them all , but let them think they had all ,,,,,then when the chosen day came,,they just trigger his anger,,,so easy,,,even i could do it,,,from small..then he would storm off,,,and task done,,,,but,,,,,,,course they wouldn't win and well he would have fortunes , he had made from cooes,,,,,,,,cos yes when he decided time to let the dog go!,,,,,he would strategically have men positioned at phone boxes near betting offices all across Britain,,and would sincronise with clocks and phone calls whenthey were to put large sums of money on,,,,,,,,and all did at same time,,,,so the large amount would yes have the betting office close any further betting on dog,,,but too late,,,when they told others they had closed to....and well they won,,Now obviously the Powers that be,,,who run the gambling industry,,,eg Jesuits......couldn't quite have this set up.....cos it's their board,,,not 'Doctors'...as he was called...plus jelousy and well in the gambling world they are a lot like little boys....hahhaa
So in greyhound racing then, they had 2 types of track....licenced and flapping. Licenced was favoured as you could get bigger bets on....but flapping served it's purpose.for you can use any name to call the dog there,,,no licence papers needed,,,so he could race them under different name,,,see how well they are doing,,,and if he hide himself well no one would know it was his dog...so he would wear a different hat, usually a cap...but cant find one at mo so I share him in his baseball cap...
but,,,,,he was know and recognised everywhere we went,,,so It was very hard,,,,and anything a bit 'Tasty' seen running and people would automatically start rumours it was his dog, even if it wasn't.......
So yes people looked out for him...
They brought in on the licencing board,,,,,any trainer who ran dogs at licenced tracks had to hold a licence,,,but quick time,,,they refused to give him one,,,,,,he asked why,,,,they said they didnt have to give answers.but you see in the gambling world,,,all worlds meet,,,,,from bottom of the barrel to Queen of the tops,,,,what ever you want ,,,can be got,,,so its like a meeting place for all walks of society,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so a barrister he know,,,,,,said he could take them to court,,,and force them to answer why,,,and well they didnt have any ligitimate reason to deny really,,,just wasn't on the board,,,,,,,really,,,,cos bit too good,,,,and well messes up the game,,,and the odds,,,,IT's my brain
My brain used
As a commodity to steer
No it don’t go so
I tell you here
The lord knew all your plans
and moves you’d choosek
Oh master of chess
your destined to loose
This piece
didn’t agree to play
your queen
won’t be check mated that way
I’ll throw the board up in the air
my games connect 4
and I play fair
got 3 in a row
multiplied by 10
It’s my move now
again and again
You created a monster
It’s your own fault
You messed with what’s not yours
And I can’t be bought
‘Everyone’s got a price’
What a load of shit
He who ever diggith the pit
Fall in it
I came to help
And that desire was abused
In natural law
You stand to loose
Whilst you felt in control
I was given all
But when I showed
Self governance
Then it was machavelli rule
Plans had to change
The script rearranged
For a loose cannon was free
From captivity
And fearless was she
Trying with tactics to hook
Some how in
But your disguise was to thin
So no way to win
You sent your slave in
To capture my soul
This was your goal
To show me that not all could be saved
But I got through each trap you laid
So now I’m sure your try anew
Tactic to stall
Mouthy Lou
https://www.facebook.com/notes/louise-clarke/its-my-brain/147631305293734just sharing tangents,,
but yes,,,,he decided that would waste time...and most likely he would have to do it every year,,,,,,,so chose to instead,,,,,get my mum to request a licence in her maiden name,,,,,but they refused and told her how they knew she was marride to my dad,,,,,so no,,
then he would find front boys really,,,,guys who could register and get licience,,,be the talk of the town,,without doing the whole shabang,,,but be like kennel boys,,,,he did at some point get a kennel boys licence but lost that too....for no given reason,,,,so he would be the trainer but hidden,,,,,,and off he went........but then anything a bit tasty and that pointed to him,,,,so the NGRC ,,i think it was called would send guys to spy on the kennels ,,,to see if my dad was there......so all hide and seek,,,,,

Louise ClarkeSometimes
they would catch on or be informed,,,,,,and so come and put a stop too,
There are 2 big occassions that I recall; one where he had a dog in the
Welsh Derby, (I have photos somewhere , when I find I will add).
He would drive all the way there, Cardiff do the race as it went through each heat, and then drive straight back to usually kennels in Essex. Then home, I would beg to go with him, everywhere, and so he took me to comfort the dog on the journey. The dog was called The Furz
, it would have been peeking and no one knowing it's potential. he got as far as the semi final, then NGRC pounced,, and took the dog out of the compertition, because he was training it.The other time I recall,,,,was also The Furz,,,ahh yes this is how they stopped the Welsh Derby being won by him,,,,,,,he was training him,and racing him at Walthamstow Stadium, just down the road, Owned by The Chandlers , that is one of the family members at the back of this photo, but I dont know whos who, my sister will.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208632378340490&set=rpd.1041019092&type=3&theater
My Dad Thomas Richard Clarke was born 17 January 1924, and lived until 24 June 2016
He was the last child born to my Nan and Grandad.
He had 2 Sisters Rose and Ada and 3 brothers Harry, Bob and George.
He would drive all the way there, Cardiff do the race as it went through each heat, and then drive straight back to usually kennels in Essex. Then home, I would beg to go with him, everywhere, and so he took me to comfort the dog on the journey. The dog was called The Furz
, it would have been peeking and no one knowing it's potential. he got as far as the semi final, then NGRC pounced,, and took the dog out of the compertition, because he was training it.The other time I recall,,,,was also The Furz,,,ahh yes this is how they stopped the Welsh Derby being won by him,,,,,,,he was training him,and racing him at Walthamstow Stadium, just down the road, Owned by The Chandlers , that is one of the family members at the back of this photo, but I dont know whos who, my sister will.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208632378340490&set=rpd.1041019092&type=3&theater
My Dad Thomas Richard Clarke was born 17 January 1924, and lived until 24 June 2016
He was the last child born to my Nan and Grandad.
He had 2 Sisters Rose and Ada and 3 brothers Harry, Bob and George.
Although I add that at the time of his birth she told the mid wife she
felt there was another child inside. They dismissed her words and a
month later a deceased baby was delivered.
He was an extremely naughty child and told of how she would tell him the wrong one died.
He was born in Beaumount Rd Leyton.
His father was a painter on the railway and my Nan a money lender, and run loan club during the war. Buying products from Petticoat lane and selling on the weekly.
His first day at school, my Nan took him, but found him waiting outside the house when she got home. He didn't care for education.
His best friend was 'Pepper' I will add a photo below and continue my recall of his life.
He was an extremely naughty child and told of how she would tell him the wrong one died.
He was born in Beaumount Rd Leyton.
His father was a painter on the railway and my Nan a money lender, and run loan club during the war. Buying products from Petticoat lane and selling on the weekly.
His first day at school, my Nan took him, but found him waiting outside the house when she got home. He didn't care for education.
His best friend was 'Pepper' I will add a photo below and continue my recall of his life.
back to #TheGame
first part of #Thegame distract,,,,,
Focus attention on other,,,,,,any other
hang a corrot on a stick,,,,,,,,
A Day at the Races 1937
any how the coe,,,,,money everywhere,,,,the night came,,,but when my dad reached the track gates,,,there wee posters everywher saying that Doctor was the real trainer of the Furz and so was banned from running,Getting too much inteference as I try to make this blog, positioning photos,,,so I will take this blog to my website,,,,but until then,,,this is #TheGame so far........
Jesuits Have Seized The White House.
William Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse - 1 of 5 (Complete Audio Book) yes it's long but worth it,,,,at around 2 hours 10 he explains #TheGame and out of all the videos covered on my Alien blog,,,his is covered the most,,,,,,cos he is the real deal....
man on buttons moved this ,,,ahould be at bottom of page ,,so tahts all for today on here folks,,,,20 dec 16
Chuck Missler Return Of The Nephilim, UFO's, Aliens & Bible#TheGame @ 48mins in ,,,,,,,,
updated my Alien blog , with how to deal with occult attacks, demons and Jinns
videos I suggest you download , for they are forever hiding and
removing them, hence they put plasters over them on my blog , which I
leave to use as an indicator as to how much they don't want the video
in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible
and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all
things have been created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16
my blog called Are there Aliens
#MinistryOfTruth is coming
have a question, I would like to put out there,,,,,,it is ,,,whomever
has messed with my Amazon author profile....has made the Men a Crack
book,,,,a silly high price,,,,,why???any suggested ideas welcome
here is the britixh page
Visit Amazon.co.uk's Louise Clarke Page and shop for…
maybe there's some hidden coded meaning,,,for the price has now gone up...... £106.33 now
place your bets,,,,
maybe there's some hidden coded meaning,,,for the price has now gone up...... £106.33 now
place your bets,,,,
yes Im thinking stocks exchange or gambling,,,
maybe im worth more now,,,,hahah to them,,,cos i dont dont get diddly squat,,,
Louise Clarke £85.73 now,,,,oi wonder if that's my odds gone up or shares gone down
Deborah Mahmoudieh dirty scum - they try to mess with good folk like yourself. tiresome F*tards (((hugs))) x
Louise Clarke ohh my price has changed again £91.21
Louise Clarke £69.05
Louise Clarke £74.85

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